COMPETITION OF POSTERS So that everyone can say: I'm coming home!


I degree distinction for a poster entitled Key


EXHIBITION: 26th-27th March 2014


Gromada Hotel, Warsaw Centre

Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 2

00-030 Warsaw


More info:

Organiser: Pomeranian Forum for Getting Out of Homelessness

According to the research carried out as part of the Drum of Democracy campaign, the society perceives homeless people in a stereotypical way, believing that they lead a “comfortable life”, in an inequitable way assuming that homeless people are free from social convention, they do not have to work, they have a lot of free time which they often spend on alcohol consumption. There is also a clear image of “romantic” homelessness, called “homelessness by choice” - equated with an escape from social constraints and responsibilities to a “comfortable” life outside of “normal” society. Research and our many years of experience have demonstrated that the image is inequitable and untrue. Such an image generalises all homeless people, presents them in a bad light, often discourages them from taking action. In the conducted research, homeless people pointed at the need to combat with the stereotype of a homeless person who is socially uninvolved and not interested in their own fate as a necessary form in paving the way to move out of homelessness and effectively return to the society. That is why, as part of a project aiming at the change of social policy to make it easier to work with homeless people, we announce a competition for a poster which fights the stereotypical image of the homeless under the banner: So that everyone can say: “I'm coming home!” (...). A post-competition exhibition: Graphic designs of posters awarded and distinguished in the competition will be shown in the form of an exhibition during the international conference in Warsaw 26th-27th March 2014. 
